This section provides details of open source PHP classes/applications.

LTI Tool Provider

This PHP class encapsulates the code required by an LTI-compliant tool provider to communicate with a tool consumer. It includes support for LTI 1.1 and the unofficial extensions to LTI.


This application is a simple example of an LTI tool provider using the LTI Tool Provider classes.

LTI Connector for WebPA 2+

This PHP module is an extension for WebPA 2+ which adds support for integrating the application with learning environments using the 1EdTech Learning Tools Interoperablity (LTI) specification.

WordPress as an LTI Tool

This WordPress plugin allows WordPress to act as a 1EdTech LTI tool so that its blogs can be linked directly from a course in a VLE.

WordPress as an LTI Platform

The LTI specifications from 1EdTech provide a seamless and secure mechanism for making connections between a platform (such as an VLE/LMS) and a tool (such as a textbook on a publisher's site or a quiz engine). This plugin enables WordPress to act as an LTI Platform and allow links to LTI tools to be embedded into pages within a site.

Pressbooks as an LTI Tool

This plugin allows Pressbooks to be integrated with on-line courses using the 1EdTech LTI specification.

LTI using SSO

This example script illustrates how an SSO can be used to act as an IMS LTI tool consumer so that a page protected by the SSO can be used to launch LTI tool providers.

The following old classes have now been superceded:

LTI Tool Producer

This PHP class encapsulates the code required by an LTI-compliant tool producer to communicate with a tool consumer. It provides support for both Basic LTI as well as the version of "full" LTI as implemented by Blackboard Learn 9 proxy tools and Moodle 1.9 (developed by the EILE project). The class will be updated to support the full IMS Learning Tools Interoperability 2 specification when it is available.

Basic LTI Tool Provider

This PHP class encapsulates the code required by a Basic LTI-compliant tool provider to communicate with a tool consumer. It includes support for the proposed extensions to Basic LTI.

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