WordPress as an LTI Tool is a WordPress plugin which allows WordPress to act as a 1EdTech LTI tool so that its blogs can be linked directly from a course in a VLE. LTI support can be found in most VLEs thereby enabling WordPress to be integrated with ease.
This plugin is written by Simon Booth as part of the JISC-funded ceLTIc project.
Before downloading the application you can try it out by requesting a free trial consumer key and secret which will be valid for 14 days:
or (further information on LTI Launcher for Windows) or dynamically register the tool for LTI 1.3 using the URL https://lti.app/wp/?lti-tool
See the project wiki in the ceLTIc Project GitHub area.
This work is written by Simon Booth and is released under a
Creative Commons GNU General Public Licence.
The WordPress as an LTI Tool plugin is available for download from the ceLTIc Project site where it is also possible to report issues.