Uses of Class

Uses of VistaDataException in org.oscelot.webct.dao

Methods in org.oscelot.webct.dao that throw VistaDataException
 LearningContextVO LearningContextService.getLCInfo(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Retrieves the learning context data given a learning context Id
 java.lang.Long LearningContextService.getLCIdAncestor(java.lang.Long lcId, int typeLevel)
          Retrieves the learning context Id for an ancestor learning context of a given type.
 LearningContextVO LearningContextService.getLCAncestor(java.lang.Long lcId, int typeLevel)
          Retrieves the learning context data for an ancestor learning context of a given type.
 java.lang.String LearningContextService.getLCPathAncestor(java.lang.Long lcId, int typeLevel)
          Retrieves the path from the server level to an ancestor learning context of a given type.
 java.util.List LearningContextService.getLCChildren(long lcId)
          Deprecated. Use the LearningContextService.getLCChildren(Long) method instead
 java.util.List LearningContextService.getLCChildren(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Retrieve a list of learning context Ids (children) for a given learning context Id.
 java.util.Map LearningContextService.getCrossListedSections()
          Retrieve a map of cross-listed sections.
 java.util.List LearningContextService.getCrossListedChildren(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Retrieve a list of learning context Ids of the children for a given parent learning context Id.
 java.lang.Long LearningContextService.getCrossListedParent(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Retrieve the learning context of the parent for a given child learning context Id.
 LearningContextVO LearningContextService.getCrossListedParentInfo(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Retrieve the learning context of the parent for a given child learning context Id.
 java.util.List LearningContextVO.getCrossListedChildren()
          Retrieve a list of learning context Ids of the children for this learning context.
 java.lang.Long LearningContextVO.getCrossListedParent()
          Retrieve the learning context Id of the parent for this learning context.
 LearningContextVO LearningContextVO.getCrossListedParentInfo()
          Retrieve the LearningContextVO of the parent for this learning context.
 UserVO UserService.getUser(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.Long currentLCId)
          Retrieve a User definition for the user identified by userId in the given learning context ID.
 java.lang.String UserService.getUserId(java.lang.Long personId)
          Retrieve the User Id for the user identified by person Id.
 java.lang.String UserService.getUserId(java.lang.String sourceName, java.lang.String sourceId)
          Retrieve the User Id for the user identified by person Id.
 java.util.List UserService.getMembers(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Get all members of the given learning context Id.
 java.util.Map UserService.getChildMembers(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Get all members of the given learning context Id
 java.util.List UserService.getLearningContexts(java.lang.String userId, int typeLevel)
          Deprecated. This method has been deprecated because it is fundamentally flawed; the userId parameter is not sufficient to uniquely identify a user when multiple institutions exist. Use the UserVO.getLearningContexts(int) method instead.
 java.util.List UserService.getUserRoles(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.Long lcId)
          Deprecated. This method is duplicated by the UserVO.getUserRoles() method so, given the deprecation of the UserRole class, this method has been deprecated and replaced by UserVO.getRoles().
static java.lang.String WebCTApplication.getApplicationVersion()
          Get the current version of WebCT
static java.lang.String WebCTApplication.getApplicationRelease()
          Get the current release of WebCT
static int WebCTApplication.getApplicationMajorVersion()
          Get the current major version of WebCT
static int WebCTApplication.getApplicationMinorVersion()
          Get the current minor version of WebCT
static int WebCTApplication.getApplicationPatchVersion()
          Get the current patch version of WebCT
static int WebCTApplication.getApplicationBuildVersion()
          Get the current build version of WebCT