Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          This class has been replaced with a set of string constants defined in the UserVO class.

The UserRole class represents a Vista user role (SIND, SSTU, etc...).

Based on com.webct.platform.sdkext.authmoduledata.UserRole 


Deprecated Methods
          This class has been replaced with a set of string constants defined in the UserVO class; use the equals() method of the String class instead

Returns the name of the user role. 

          This class has been replaced with a set of string constants defined in the UserVO class

This public method returns a UserRole object for a given role name. Supported user role names include:

  • Auditor - SAUD
  • Course Designer - CDES
  • Course Instructor - CINS
  • Designer Instructor - SIND
  • Domain Admin - DADM
  • Domain Designer - DDES
  • Group Admin - KADM
  • Group Designer - KDES
  • Institutional Admin - IADM
  • Institutional Designer - IDES
  • Section Designer - SDES
  • Section Instructor - SINS
  • Server Admin - VADM
  • Student - SSTU
  • TA - STEA
  • Mentor - SMEN
          Use the UserVO.isDemoUser() method instead 
          Use the LearningContextVO.getEndDateTime() method instead 
          Use the LearningContextVO.isEndDateRestricted() method instead 
          Use the LearningContextService.getLCChildren(Long) method instead 
          Use the LearningContextVO.getLCId() method instead 
org.oscelot.webct.dao.UserService.getLearningContexts(String, int)
          This method has been deprecated because it is fundamentally flawed; the userId parameter is not sufficient to uniquely identify a user when multiple institutions exist. Use the UserVO.getLearningContexts(int) method instead. 
          Use the LearningContextVO.getParentLCId() method instead 
          Always returns null 
          Use the UserVO.getSourceId() method instead 
          Use the UserVO.getSourceName() method instead 
          Use the LearningContextVO.getStartDateTime() method instead 
          Use the LearningContextVO.isStartDateRestricted() method instead 
          Use the UserVO.getSourceId() method instead 
          Use the UserVO.getRoles() method instead 
org.oscelot.webct.dao.UserService.getUserRoles(String, Long)
          This method is duplicated by the UserVO.getUserRoles() method so, given the deprecation of the UserRole class, this method has been deprecated and replaced by UserVO.getRoles(). 
          This class has been replaced with a set of string constants defined in the UserVO class; the integer value of a user role served no apparent useful purpose

Returns the integer value of the user role. 

          This does not represent a valid role type for a user 
          This does not represent a valid role type for a user 
          As the UserRole class has been deprecated, use the UserVO.isUserInRole(String) method instead. 
          This class has been replaced with a set of string constants defined in the UserVO class making this method redundant as the role is already expressed as a String

Returns the name of the user role. 


Deprecated Constructors
          LearningContextVO objects should be created using the LearningContextService.getLCInfo(Long) and UserService.getLearningContexts(String, int) methods. 
org.oscelot.webct.dao.LearningContextVO(String, String, int, String, String, String, String, long, String, String, String, String, String, long, String, String, int, String, String, int)
          LearningContextVO objects should be created using the LearningContextService.getLCInfo(Long) and UserService.getLearningContexts(String, int) methods. 
org.oscelot.webct.dao.UserRole(String, int)
          This class has been replaced with a set of string constants defined in the UserVO class

Public constructor to create a UserRole. 

          UserVO objects should be created using the UserService.getUser(String, Long) and UserService.getMembers(Long) methods. 
org.oscelot.webct.dao.UserVO(int, String, long, long, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, String, String, String, List)
          UserVO objects should be created using the UserService.getUser(String, Long) and UserService.getMembers(Long) methods.