Uses of Class

Uses of LearningContextVO in org.oscelot.webct.dao

Methods in org.oscelot.webct.dao that return LearningContextVO
 LearningContextVO LearningContextService.getLCInfo(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Retrieves the learning context data given a learning context Id
 LearningContextVO LearningContextService.getLCAncestor(java.lang.Long lcId, int typeLevel)
          Retrieves the learning context data for an ancestor learning context of a given type.
 LearningContextVO LearningContextService.getCrossListedParentInfo(java.lang.Long lcId)
          Retrieve the learning context of the parent for a given child learning context Id.
 LearningContextVO LearningContextVO.getCrossListedParentInfo()
          Retrieve the LearningContextVO of the parent for this learning context.