Reserved names for settings
Reported: 24 May 2006 (#360479)
Fixed: Partially
Affects: Vista 4.0.2+
The SDK documentation does not include a complete list of reserved names for settings to be included in the DeployableComponentConfig.xml file.
Later releases of the documentation have improved the quality of the list but the version for Application Pack 2 omits mode, openInNewWindow and operationalTimeout from the list of reserved names, as well as typographical errors with respect to the following names:
- currentRequestMode
- webctuserSourcedId_Id
- webctuserSourcedId_Source
Avoid using any of the following names for settings:
- author
- classname
- currentRequestedMode
- description
- Enabled
- glcid
- groupname
- id
- jarfilename
- lcid_setting
- mode
- openInNewWindow
- operationalTimeout
- releaseFlag
- type
- userId
- version
- webctUserSourcedId_Id
- webctUserSourcedId_Source
Consider adding a prefix (such as an underscore) to all setting names to minimise the risk of conflicting with any reserved names which may be introduced in the future.