
This Edutxt PowerLink addon provides the ability for instructors to create polls which students can vote on either by sending an SMS text message or via WebCT. Votes may be restricted to those enrolled in the section. The results of polls are displayed in a pie chart.

System requirements

This addon requires the Edutxt PowerLink, release 1.1 (or higher).


The Polls addon is installed by adding the following lines to the Edutxt PowerLink properties file:


The above entries define the addon class and attach it to the inbox and student view pages.


Inbox page

A sub-menu option on the Inbox page provides access to the Polling facility. A page is displayed listing all of the currently defined polls and giving access to manage these polls or create a new one.
Sample view of manage polls page

The poll configuration page allows you to enter values for the following settings:

Sample view of poll configuration page

See below for an example of how the poll results are displayed.

Video View movie illustration (4:00 minutes)

Student view page

If there are any active polls, a sub-menu option allows students to select a poll and either view instructions on how to vote
Sample view of student poll voting page
or see the results of the poll:
Sample view of poll results page

Version history

1.0.002 August 2010Initial release


Creative Commons License This work is written by Stephen Vickers and is released under a Creative Commons GNU General Public Licence. The Edutxt Polls Addon will be downloadable from OSCELOT where it is also possible to report bugs and submit feature requests.

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