
This package provides basic support functions for Building Blocks including easy access to language bundle values, configuration settings, navigation items, receipt messages and simple logging. An example Building Block (B2Context-demo) illustrating the use of this package is also provided.

For Building Blocks to be installed with the April 2014 release of Learn 9.1 (or later) it is essential that the 1.4.01 release (or later) of this package is used.

System requirements

The B2Context package is written for use with Building Blocks written for Learn 9.0 (or later). Note that the package uses the following classes which are not publicly supported by Blackboard:


The package should be included in the war file for any Building Block which makes use of it.


This package is comprised of a single published class which is described in the JavaDocs documentation. The methods defined provide access to the following functionality:

Contextual information

These methods access properties from the Building Block, Blackboard context or the HTTP request.

Building Block properties

The resource strings are extracted from the bb-manifest properties file for the current locale; for example, bb-manifest-en_GB.properties located in the WEB-INF/bundles directory.

Blackboard context

Setting the context object is useful when creating a context from an incoming HTTP request. The Blackboard context object has methods for checking whether it contains a course, content or group context. These methods are used by the configuration settings methods (see below) to determine where to look for non-global settings. It is possible to override the context methods using the setIgnoreCourseContext, setIgnoreContentContext and setIgnoreGroupContext. For example, when calling the getSettings method from within a content handler, the non-global anonymous settings will be taken from the content area. However, if ignoreContentContext is set to true, the content context will be ignored and settings will be taken from the course context (just as if there was no current content context).

HTTP request

These methods provide support for specifying default values for missing request parameters and also for combining multiple values for a single parameter.

Configuration settings

These methods enable simple settings (name and value pairs) to be loaded and saved for use with a Building Block. The SaveEmptyValues setting determines whether empty strings are saved or whether the setting is removed. Settings are divided into four categories based on the values of global and anonymous:

global true 1. settings which apply across the whole of the Building Block 2. settings for a specific user across the whole of the Building Block
false 3. settings which apply to the current context (such as a course, group or content item) of a Building Block 4. settings for a specific user within the current context of a Building Block

The settings for each category are saved in the following locations:

global true properties file in the config directory of the Building Block Blackboard User Registry
false properties file in the directory relating to the context (e.g. the ppg directory of a course) or, for modules, as Blackboard Custom Data

Utility methods


A Building Block (B2Context-demo) is available for download to illustrate how to make use of this package. The examples used below are based on this Building Block.
System page

Configuration settings

System settings

The following extract is from the system/simple.jsp file which displays a form containing a single mandatory text field and saves the value entered as a system-wide configuration setting:


  String LOCATION_FIELD_NAME = "location";

  B2Context b2Context = new B2Context(request);
  String cancelUrl = "index.jsp";

  if (request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {
    String location = b2Context.getRequestParameter(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, "").trim();
    b2Context.setSetting(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, location);

    response.sendRedirect(cancelUrl + "?inline_receipt_message=" +

  pageContext.setAttribute("bundle", b2Context.getResourceStrings());
  pageContext.setAttribute("cancelUrl", cancelUrl);
  <bbNG:pageHeader instructions="${bundle['page.system.simple.instructions']}">
    <bbNG:breadcrumbBar environment="SYS_ADMIN_PANEL" navItem="admin_plugin_manage">
      <bbNG:breadcrumb href="index.jsp" title="${bundle['plugin.name']}" />
      <bbNG:breadcrumb title="${bundle['page.system.simple.title']}" />
    <bbNG:pageTitleBar iconUrl="../images/spvsp.gif" showTitleBar="true" title="${bundle['page.system.simple.title']}"/>
  <bbNG:form action="" id="id_simpleForm" name="simpleForm" method="post" onsubmit="return validateForm();">
  <bbNG:dataCollection markUnsavedChanges="true" showSubmitButtons="true">
    <bbNG:step hideNumber="false" id="stepOne" title="${bundle['page.system.simple.step1.title']}" instructions="${bundle['page.system.simple.step1.instructions']}">
      <bbNG:dataElement isRequired="true" label="${bundle['page.system.simple.step1.location.label']}">
        <bbNG:textElement name="<%=LOCATION_FIELD_NAME%>" value="<%=b2Context.getSetting(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME)%>" helpText="${bundle['page.system.simple.step1.location.instructions']}" size="30" minLength="1" />
    <bbNG:stepSubmit hideNumber="false" showCancelButton="true" cancelUrl="${cancelUrl}" />


An instance of the B2Context class is created:

  B2Context b2Context = new B2Context(request);

The value of the form field submitted can be extracted with a default value of an empty string:

  String location = b2Context.getRequestParameter(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, "");

The value submitted can be saved (in memory) as a system configuration setting (i.e. global and anonymous):

  b2Context.setSetting(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, location);

which is equivalent to:

  b2Context.setSetting(true, true, LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, location);

To save the settings permanently:


A string from a resource bundle can be obtained by name:

  String message = b2Context.getResourceString("receipt.success");

or all resource strings can be saved in a Map:

  Map<String,String> messages = b2Context.getResourceStrings();

The value of a system configuration setting can be accessed:

  String value = b2Context.getSetting(LOCATION_FIELD_NAME);

which may also be given a default value to use when the setting does not already exist:

  String value = b2Context.getSetting(true, true, LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, "My default");

User settings

The system/user.jsp file displays a form containing a single optional text field and saves the value entered as a user-specific setting.
Configure user setting page
Because the setting is optional and a default is used when no value exists, it is convenient not to save empty strings:


The anonymous parameter is set to false to denote that the setting is specific to the user:

  b2Context.setSetting(true, false, HOME_FIELD_NAME, location);

When persisting the settings remember to specify the same category:

  b2Context.persistSettings(true, false);

If no value exists for a setting then it is set to the value of the system configuration setting and a receipt displayed on the page to inform the user:

  if (b2Context.getSetting(true, false, HOME_FIELD_NAME).length() <= 0) {
    b2Context.setSetting(true, false, HOME_FIELD_NAME,
    b2Context.setReceipt(b2Context.getResourceString("system.user.default"), false);

Course settings

The course/simple.jsp file displays a form containing a single optional text field and saves the value entered as a course-specific setting. Set the global parameter to false to denote that the setting is specific to the context:

  b2Context.setSetting(false, true, LOCATION_FIELD_NAME, location);
  b2Context.persistSettings(false, true);
  String value = b2Context.getSetting(false, true, LOCATION_FIELD_NAME);

Contextual information

The B2Context package provides methods to obtain information about the Building Block. For example, the vendorID and the handle specified in the bb-manifest.xml file:

  String vendorID = b2Context.getVendorId();
  String handle = b2Context.getHandle();

The URL for the root of the Building Block can be consructed by combining the server URL and the path:

  String rootUrl = b2Context.getServerUrl() + b2Context.getPath();

The location of this root directory in the file system can be obtained by:

  String rootDir = b2Context.getWebappRoot();

Navigation items provide details of the location for specific areas within Learn 9; for example, to obtain the URL for the Installed Blocks page on the System Admin tab:

  String url = b2Context.getNavigationItem("admin_plugin_manage").getHref();

The names of navigation items can be found from the internal_handle column of the navigation_item table.

Version history

1.0.0511-Oct-2010Initial release
1.1.0019-Jan-2012 Added setContext, setReceiptOptions, getVersionNumber and getEditMode methods
Added error checking to request parameter methods
Added override options to hasCourseContext, hasContentContext and hasGroupContext methods of context object
1.2.002-Sep-2012 Changed release to GNU Lesser General Public License
Added addReceiptOptionsToRequest method to provide support for warning messages
Invalidated all settings when context changes
1.3.005-Nov-2012 Added getVersionNumber method returning an integer array
Added getIsVersion method to check for a specific release
Deleted settings for a module are now removed rather than just emptied
Updated setReceiptOptions to support 9.1 SP10
1.4.0024-Feb-2014 Added support for saving global anonymous settings against a node in the Institutional Hierarchy (requires 9.1SP8+)
Allow instance to be created with a null Request object
Added simple logging methods: setLogDebug ang log
1.4.0118-Jun-2014 Added support for Learn 9.1 April 2014 release - this release is required for April 2014 release, or later.
1.4.028-Sep-2014 Fixed bug with failure to reinitialise the node after changing the context
1.5.0016-Oct-2014 Added getSchema, getPath(String), getLogDebug, getB2Version and getIsB2Version methods (see JavaDocs for details)
1.5.011-Jan-2015 Fixed bug in getPath(String) method
1.6.0024-May-2015 Fixed bug with persistSettings(global, anonymous, suffix, settings) method
Added unfiltered option to getRequest and getRequestParameter methods
1.6.0112-Nov-2015 Fixed bug with persisting the debug mode setting
1.7.0029-Feb-16 Added constructor using a context object (so new B2Context(null); constructor should now be coded as new B2Context();)
1.8.0014-Feb-18 Remove dependency on Blackboard context object
Use log file in plugins log directory
Fix bug with saving group settings
1.9.0022-Apr-18 Removed hard-coded file separator characters
Added log methods for error messages and objects
Log messages written to System.err if unable to access plugin log file
Added getSettings method for node only settings
Fixed bug when deleting empty properties files
Fixed bug with getSchema() when B2 running from cache directory
Added code to migrate old group settings files
1.9.0111-Dec-20 Add check for no groups in processCourseExport
Ensure all version numbers have 4 elements
1.9.0218-Jun-22 Add check for no groups in processCourseImport


GNU Lesser General Public License This work is written by Stephen Vickers and is released under a GNU Lesser General Public Licence. The B2Context package can be downloaded from OSCELOT. The source files are available from the ceLTIc Project repository, where any issues should be reported.

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